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This May Save A Life!!!

Please Read!

Shocked By The Fact that One out of Three Women in the United States Have Been Sexually Assaulted…
Outraged Father of 6 Decides To
Do Something About It…


Could His Vital Safety Program Save a Loved One’s Life and Eliminate the Fear of Becoming a Victim?

Read on to find out…



Dear Friend,

Sexual assault is a topic we don’t talk about because it puts us out of our comfort zone. I say it’s time to get over it and address the problem head on or nothing with ever change. So, please read on because this letter can make a difference in your life or the lives of a loved one.

As shocking as the sexual assault statistics are it is even more appalling to know that many women could have avoided or escaped becoming a victim altogether with just a few minutes of training.  

If the safety of your family isn’t a high priority in your life right then I urge to do so now, before it’s too late.

I was astounded at how far-reaching the problems are that crime generates. The statistics below reflect attempted and committed rapes involving: date rape, spousal rape, and rapes committed by unknown person(s).

Here are the unpleasant facts:

Police in this country investigate more than 14,000,000 crimes each year. Some of these crimes include 3 million burglaries, 1,000,000 assaults, 100,000 rapes, and 23,000 murders.

Somewhere in America, some man rapes a woman every 2 minutes (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice).

One out of three women have been sexually assaulted (When Does a Date Become a Crime? Rape Crisis Center, Brazos Valley - P.O. Box 3082, Bryan, Texas).

In my mind ONE RAPE IS TOO MANY! So I took action.

My name is Devin Willis, devoted father to 6  children.

Every violent crime turns innocent people into victims. Assault, murder, rape, kidnapping, each have a devastating impact, and can affect men, women, and children of all ages, all races, and all walks of life. I don’t want my children to become victims and I don’t want you or your children to either. 

No one can prevent every assault, but everyone can do something to protect themselves put the odds in their favor.

I first became aware of the crime statistics in the US when I was asked to co-write a self defense manual with a friend. I was asked to be involved in the writing of this manual because of my involvement in teaching the Martial Arts and self defense for 20 years. As I began to do the research I was stunned at what was happening.

I started doing MORE research, visiting multiple rape crisis centers in the Los Angeles area, and talking with women.

In my rape prevention and reaction classes, I heard too many heart breaking stories which made me start to find a better way to help others defend themselves!

I became committed to training everyone I could reach in learning how to avoid and defend themselves.

Look, I graduated top of my class form the Executive Security International Martial Arts School, (the Harvard for body guards). I knew I could do something to make a difference.

I'm one of the creators of the Guardian Self-Protection program. Having taught women, men, and children unarmed tactics for over 20 years, I now have a powerful tool to assist people in reaching their full potential, protect themselves and give them the confidence they need to meet difficult situations.

We realized that although the ability to defend one's self is important, there are other important benefits to be had from being involved in learning from this unique program.

It helps achieve important goals and meet life's challenges with total confidence, replacing fear, and conquering obstacles with the "Yes I can" attitude.

I sincerely recommend you consider the self defense Self-Protection program I am offering today. Please, carefully read this offer and become involved today in doing something for you and your loved ones that can make a difference in their lives. 



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Trivia Question

Somewhere in America, some man rapes a woman every 2 minutes (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice).